Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What's going on Google?!

Hey all!  I'm still here.  :P  Anyway, YouTube is being slow...I mean really slow.  Usually a 200-300MB video takes no more than 15-20 minutes to upload but look at this!

And it's not just YouTube!  This image would not upload to Blogger (This blog).  (A Google product.)

Now I know it's not me nor my internet acting up because that image uploaded to Servimg in less than a second.  Not exactly sure what's going on over there at the Google head quarters but they need to fix this.  People have daily videos to upload.  Well in my case every week day.  The time remaining is rising!  It's gone from the number you see in the picture to 429 minutes.  I'll update you guys if the video does not upload in time tonight and I'll upload it tomorrow when I can.  If I don't post another post today/tonight then it's fine but if I do then something went wrong.

Really? 614 minutes! WHAT!
EDIT 2: Well the upload now says 817 minutes and still is at 12% Gonna restart the upload and I'll let you all know if it's actually working or not.

EDIT 3: Ok....I give up XD

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